Quick Meals from The Curry House - compare editions

If you like the sound of the book, which version should you choose? Here's a chart comparing the
two versions:

features paperback book e-book
printed copy? yes, 205 page paperback book no, print your own from the e-book
e-book? no, paperback book only yes, downloadable as one PDF file
pictures of the recipes? no, only cover pictures - but book purchasers have exclusive access to online photos
(needs registration)
yes, fully illustrated
(in British pounds)
(there is no VAT on printed books)
£4.98 (£4.15 + VAT)
53 recipes
special requirements [optional] Adobe Flash Player to view online photo gallery - devices without Flash can view the photos as PDF files instead Adobe Reader (latest version) or 100% compatible reader to view e-book in PDF format
tried and tested recipes?
suitable as a gift? absolutely! no, our e-book host Lulu does not have a gift option
to buy buy from Lulu
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